A survey invitation from The Education University of Hong Kong

You are invited to participate in the project, Doctoral research as knowledge production: Chinese international students’ navigation of ‘epistemic diversity’ in social sciences, conducted by Dr Ying Ji, who is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education Policy and Leadership, The Education University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with Dr Hayes Hei Hang Tang, Dr Adam Poole, and Dr Dala Duo. This research aims to explore how Chinese international students/graduates in social sciences in universities outside mainland China navigate their doctoral research.  You will be asked to participate if you are/were  a Chinese international doctoral student in your third or later year or a recent graduate who finished their PhD in the last five years in a university outside mainland China,  with a disciplinary background in any social science subjects, and  born in mainland China and educated in mainland China for primary, secondary, and undergraduate education.   

If you decide to participate in this part of the study, you will be asked to fill in a short survey which takes around 5 minutes to fill in.  At the end of the survey, you could state your choice to participate further in an online/face-to-face interview for 50-60 minutes to share your experiences of writing up your thesis. The interviews will be video or audio recorded upon your consent.  Around 40 participants will be recruited for the study.  Through participation, you will be contributing to research which would shed light on the doctoral experiences of international Chinese PhD students in Euro-American countries. If interested, copies of publications from this study will be sent to you through email after publication. You will be given a cash voucher (e.g. Amazon voucher) worth HKD150 through email after interview.   Participation in this research brings no risk to you. Your participation in the project is voluntary. You have every right to withdraw from the study at any time. All identifiable information related to you (including your university) will remain confidential and will only be accessed by the researcher on password protected devices. Results of the research will be presented in scholarly conferences or publications and personally identifiable information will be coded with pseudonyms or excluded for confidentiality.    

If you would like to obtain more information about this study, please contact Dr. Ying Ji, by email: jying@eduhk.hk. If you have any concerns about the conduct of this research study, please do not hesitate to contact the Human Research Ethics Committee by email at hrec@eduhk.hk or by mail to Research and Development Office, The Education University of Hong Kong.

Managing Editor: Tong Meng

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