Inaugural British Journal of Sociology Conference

15-16 April 2024, LSE, UK


To mark their new tenure, the Editors of the British Journal of Sociology (BJS) invite submission of abstracts for a major international conference at the London School of Economics (LSE) on 15-16 April 2024.

The BJS conference will showcase cutting-edge research from across the discipline of sociology, and will also feature keynotes, plenary sessions curated by the Editors, and a series of author-meets-critics sessions debating high-profile new books. It will provide a pivotal in-person platform for more than 200 academics across the discipline to advance their research in conversation with colleagues, to learn about the most exciting theoretical, empirical, and methodological developments in the field as well as to foster new synergies and collaborations around pressing challenges relevant to sociology.

There is no predetermined theme for the conferenceWe invite scholars to submit abstracts of up to 400 words on topics relating to any aspect of sociology. Please include 4-5 keywords with your abstract, along with the names and email addresses of any co-authors. Sessions will be structured by the thematic streams and intellectual foci derived from the submitted abstracts. We welcome submissions from scholars of all ranks and affiliations.

The BJS will heavily subsidise the conference, capping registration fees at just £100 for the whole conference, with 20 free places and 15 travel bursaries for those facing financial hardship.

Submit your abstract here by Friday 20 October 2023.

Key dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 20 October 2023
  • Decision on paper acceptance: w/c 13 November 2023
  • Presenter booking deadline: 8 January 2024
  • Conference dates: 15-16 April 2024

Please send any queries to A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found below. 

We encourage scholars to share this call for papers with colleagues and encourage them to participate in the conference.

The BJS Editors

Dr Rebecca Elliott, LSE

Professor Sam Friedman, LSE

Dr Ali Meghji, University of Cambridge

Professor Aaron Reeves, University of Oxford

Managing Editor: Tong Meng

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